सर्वप्रथम दैनिक भास्कर में जुलाई 14, 2012 को प्रकाशित फैशन नामक शब्द से मुझे जितनी चिढ़ है शायद ही किसी और शब्द से हो। यह एक ऐसी बीमारी है जो…
View More फैशनेबल दिखने की दीवानगीWritings
Messy Legacy
Source: India International Centre Quarterly, WINTER 2008 SPRING 2009, Vol. 35, No. 3/4, the Great Divide (WINTER 2008 SPRING 2009), pp. 312-329 Published by: India International…
View More Messy LegacyHow Kashmir, the Cradle of Hindu Civilization, Turned into an Islamic State (Part One)
Sushil Pandit describes the ethnic cleansing of Hindus from Kashmir in different phases of history starting with the 1989 forced expulsion of Kashmiri Pandits and goes on to describe the role of Nehru-Jinnah duo in turning Kashmir into an Islamic state.
View More How Kashmir, the Cradle of Hindu Civilization, Turned into an Islamic State (Part One)Banaye Ajoobe, Kehlayein Pichhde (The impoverishment & marginalization of India’s traditional technologists and artisans).
This was first published in the print edition of Manushi journal, Issue no. 120 – Guest
Dahej: Majboori ya Jarurat? It doesn’t rave and rant against dowry as a “social evil” but explains the consequences of the traditional Hindu practice of Stridhan morphing into dowry or dahej–both of which are “modern” phenomena.
My 1996 documentary film on dowry is no less relevant today than when it was originally made.
View More Dahej: Majboori ya Jarurat? It doesn’t rave and rant against dowry as a “social evil” but explains the consequences of the traditional Hindu practice of Stridhan morphing into dowry or dahej–both of which are “modern” phenomena.Delhi gang rape case: Some important lessons from anti-rape agitation
Even as the entire country is seething in anger at the brutality of the Delhi gang-rape with daily reports of more and more such barbarous acts…
View More Delhi gang rape case: Some important lessons from anti-rape agitationUncivil Measures: Congress party’s patently undemocratic and illegal arrest of Anna Hazare alienates and angers even those who had some reservations regarding the over-arching legislation proposed by Team Anna
The Congress party has suddenly discovered a new threat in “Civil Society” — not just to its own existence but, by hyperbolic extension typical of the…
View More Uncivil Measures: Congress party’s patently undemocratic and illegal arrest of Anna Hazare alienates and angers even those who had some reservations regarding the over-arching legislation proposed by Team AnnaNext Time, Don’t Walk Away: The best police force cannot be a substitute for caring and vigilant citizens
The testimony of the friend of the Delhi gangrape victim on Zee News held up a disturbing mirror to our society. The gross callousness, cowardice and…
View More Next Time, Don’t Walk Away: The best police force cannot be a substitute for caring and vigilant citizensहिन्दू समाज में ‘‘पूजनीय‘‘ शब्द की दुगर्ति
यह लेख पहले दैनिक भास्कर, मई 27, 2013 में प्रकाशित किया गया था ऐसा क्या कुचक्र चला है हिन्दू समाज पर कि जिसको भी हिन्दु समाज ‘‘पूजनीय‘‘ मानता है, उसी…
View More हिन्दू समाज में ‘‘पूजनीय‘‘ शब्द की दुगर्ति