Sushil Pandit & Madhu Kishwar discuss U Turns on J&K After Historic Scrapping of Articles 370 & 35A (Part 1)

When Modi government announced the scrapping of Articles 370 & 35A of the Indian Constitution on August 5, 2019, there was unprecedented euphoria among people with rashtrawadi bent of mind. That also happens to be PM Modi's core constituency. The second surgical strike on J&K was even more impressive. He liberated Ladakh from colonial stranglehold of Kashmiri Islamists and gave it Union Territory status. This had been a long pending demand of Ladakhis.

Parallely J&K were also given UT status- to the delight of Jammu region. Needless to say, the secessionist groups and Islamic parties of the Valley and their allies in the Congress and left parties were shell shocked and created as much ruckus as they could. But apart from China and Pakistan, no other country in the world paid any heed to their dooms day fantasies. It was expected that these historic moves to defeat secessionist forces would be followed by other necessary measures to free the J&K administration, including the judiciary and the police from the stranglehold of Jehadi forces of J&K.

Unfortunately, the momentum has not been sustained. In this conversation with Madhu Kishwar widely respected political commentator Sushil Pandit discusses the many disappointing U Turns taken by Narendra Modi government since then.

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