Stop Converting Our Sacred Cities to Decadent Tourist Spots

Sandeep Deo, Ritu Rathaur & Shilpi Tiwari LIVE with Madhu Kishwar

The traditional form of pilgrimage is now converting into the idea of religious tourism in the contemporary scenario. There are some serious drawbacks of the Indian Government’s obsession of converting the sacred towns to tourist hubs for gaining economic benefits. The tourists and settlers are a big cause for dilapidating built heritage, new construction over existing historic fabric or destroying it. 

Beyond these physical impacts, religious tourism also exerts an impact on socio-cultural attributes. The massive inflow of tourists has led to rapid alterations in the dressing, food and lifestyle choices of Dharmics residing in sacred towns of India. This is mainly because of invasion of foreign cultures which also introduce the idea of alternative religious ideologies that infiltrate Sanatana Dharma in the sacred havens of India.

We are even witnessing the Islamization of the Himalayas, which is a clear step towards Ghazwa-e-Hind. Who is responsible for this?

About the Speakers:

Sandeep Deo is a journalist who has worked over the span of 15 years with newspapers like Veer Arjun, Dainik Jagran, Nai Duniya, National Duniya, etc.

Ritu Rathaur is an ISB certified Digital Marketing consultant, Blogger and Content writer.

Dr. Shilpi Tiwari is the chief consultant of the Department of Urology at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital and Research Institute (Neeti Bag), Delhi Heart and Lung Institute. He is a well informed critic of modern day democracy and a strong advocate for Hindu resurgence.

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