Some Aspects Of Bondage

The Denial Of Fundamental Rights To Women

This article was first published in the print edition of Manushi Journal. (Issue-14, Nov-Dec 1982)

In this article, I have tried to analyse how the present family structure in India ensures the subordination and exploitation of women in a way that puts them beyond the purview of most of the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution. I realize that the situation is invariably more complex than here described. At present, whatever its limitations, the family also is one of the few arrangements which provide the little support that is available to women. Wide variations exist between families. There are many homes where women receive more than adequate love and care. Moreover, in real life, it is not always easy to draw a sharp line between male and female family members, representing men as solely the exploiters and women as only the exploited. Very often, women play the role of tyrants or agents of tyrants vis-a-vis other women. However, even when women perform this role, they do not strengthen the power of women as a group but rather the power of the male dominated family. Keeping women thus divided against each other is an important way in which women are kept oppressed.

I have concentrated on an analysis of women’s general lack of freedom and rights in the male dominated family. Though at times the phrases used may seem harsh, and alien to the experience of many readers. I am convinced that I am accurately describing the various types of bondage in which a majority of women live in this country…

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