MANDI: In Wholesale, Not Retail

This article was first published in the print edition of Manushi Journal. (Issue-21, Mar-Apr 1984)

This film is a departure from the formula depiction of the prostitute as a weepy and woeful creature simply dying to “reform.” The lively characterisation of Rukminibai is a  welcome change from the stereotypes who populate the average Hindi film. She is shown as a strong and resourceful woman who has developed the various skills required to make the best of a very difficult situation. Skills like manipulativeness, self dramatisation, wiliness, deviousness, have become integral parts of her personality without destroying her capacity for compassion, warmth and tenderness. It is also a relief that Shabana is allowed to waddle, yawn, sprawl and grimace like a normal human being, instead of being forced to keep every muscle in place and tailor each movement into plastic prettiness…

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