Please read this with an open mind since it challenges conventional wisdom regarding the birth of Bangladesh.I have always held that Indira Gandhi caused irrevocable harm to India, especially Hindus of the sub-continent, by acting as the midwife for the birth of a new monster called Bangladesh.
Sadly, naïve Hindus hailed Indira as a modern day Durga for that suicidal intervention because we tend to fall for pious, jingoistic slogans.From Nehru onwards, our prime ministers (barring Lal Bahadur Shastri) have played the geo-political power game very clumsily. They lacked basic understanding of Islam and seemed oblivious of factors that weaken India. Helping Muslims of East Pakistan to create a new nation called Bangladesh, which has nothing Bengali about it, was disastrous for the following reasons:
Sadly, naïve Hindus hailed Indira as a modern day Durga for that suicidal intervention because we tend to fall for pious, jingoistic slogans.From Nehru onwards, our prime ministers (barring Lal Bahadur Shastri) have played the geo-political power game very clumsily. They lacked basic understanding of Islam and seemed oblivious of factors that weaken India. Helping Muslims of East Pakistan to create a new nation called Bangladesh, which has nothing Bengali about it, was disastrous for the following reasons:
- Pakistan was being bled economically by trying to maintain its hold over East Pakistan as a colony, whose people it despised as a lower species. By freeing East Pakistan as a separate nation, India eased Pakistan’s economic burden; Pakistani armed forces were also under great stress because of constant revolts and rebellions by Bengalis of East Pakistan. After the creation of Bangladesh, Pakistan was relieved of the economic and military burden of maintaining hold over a territory nearly 2000 miles apart;
- Since Bangladesh was a Muslim majority state, Bengali Muslims continued to nurture deep hatred against Hindus who remained there after the Partition of 1947. The sharp decline in Hindu population from 30% in 1947, to about 8% today is proof that Muslims of East Pakistan are as intoxicated by the ideology of Jihad and Kafir Phobia as Pakistanis.
- After the creation of Bangladesh, instead of having to deal just with one enemy on our western border, namely Pakistan, we ended up being sandwiched between two muslim countries with virulently hostile populations while our borders with these hostile countries remained porous & ill defined on both sides.
- East Pakistani Muslims took all the help from the Indian government but turned anti India as soon as they got a separate nation. Gratitude towards Kafirs is a crime against their Prophet (PBUH) & Allah Almighty. So long as Muslims of East Pakistan were fighting against Urdu domination, they asserted their linguistic identity as Bengalis. But as soon as they secured a separate country based on their linguistic identity, Pakistan managed to find a far cheaper way to control the politics of the breakaway nation by unleashing rabid Tablighis funded by petro-dollars from Arab countries. This revived the Suhrawardy legacy of genocidal hatred against the remaining Hindu Kafirs.
- The Glue of Mazhab ensured that within no time, Muslims of Bangladesh forgot about their bitter conflict with Pakistanis who treated them as an inferior species. Instead of gratitude to India for its help in their “Liberation Struggle”, the mullahs and maulvis as well as mazhabee political leaders started projecting India, a land of Kafirs, as the hated enemy.
- Had Indira Gandhi not intervened in favour of East Pakistan’s Muslim, the Bangladeshis would have battled for decades against the Pakistani army, without much success, because they were not so well armed. We had no reason to save Bengali Muslims from the wrath of Urdu-Punjabi speaking Muslims of West Pakistan. It would have been advantageous for India to have West Pakistani Muslims at constant war with Muslims of East Pakistan.
- The longer the war lasted between Muslims of West Pakistan and East Pakistan, the better it would have been for India. It would have debilitated the Paki army and bankrupted Pakistan. Pakis would have found no time or energy to attack India. We could have just silently watched them kill each other, instead of intervening as saviours of East Pakistani Muslims.
- By giving arms and military training to Mukti Bahini and also sending several infantry divisions in addition to deploying the Indian Air Force to assist the so-called Liberation Movement in East Pakistan, India helped bring about a speedy end to the war. It was the Indian armed forces which delivered a crushing defeat on the Pakistani army and forced it to surrender unconditionally along with 93000 soldiers.
- Ninety percent of the 3 million massacred by the Paki army were Hindus. But the Indira Gandhi government did not breathe a word about this. Nor did our media report this. Thus, Hindus in India remained ignorant about the nature of the Liberation Struggle. And naively began to see Bangladesh as an example of benign liberal Islam.
- In 1947, there were nearly 30 percent Hindus in Bangladesh. Their numbers had been consistently declining due to forced conversions and brutal killings, looting and plunder that rendered them destitute. Today, they are no more than 8%. With millions of Hindus slaughtered in one go by Paki military junta and countless women abducted and raped, Hindus of Bangladesh were most in need of help.
- But Indira Gandhi Govt helped fleeing Muslim Bengalis to seek shelter in India without hindrance, thereby changing the demography of West Bengal in one go. The illegal migration of Muslims continued unabated while persecuted Hindus of Bangladesh were shunned by the Communist rulers of West Bengal. They could not migrate in such large numbers as did the Muslims. Consequently, West Bengal has today become like East Pakistan.
- India spent billions of rupees in that war. At least 3000 Indian soldiers and officers lost their lives. More than 12000 were wounded grievously. Indira govt spent crores on feeding the 95000 odd soldiers and officers who had surrendered as though they were state guests.
- The surrendered soldiers were handed over to Bhutto as a free gift without even forcing Bhutto to sign a permanent treaty to end border disputes. By contrast, Pakistan has brutally tortured to death most of the Indian soldiers it ever managed to capture.
- After getting freed of the burden of carrying its wretched colony in East Pakistan, Pakis became determined to teach India a lesson—not just through war but mainly by patronising terror brigades not just in Punjab and J&K, but planted sleeper cells all over India. Thus they began practicing low cost proxy war.
- Since 1971, Pakis have bled India through 1000s of cuts. They have been eminently successful in planting the seeds of secessionism in Punjab, J&K, Assam and even in mainland India–all backed by trained terror brigades which cost Pakistan very little but have inflicted extremely heavy costs on India.
- Before1971, East Pakistani Muslims used to migrate to Pakistan for better economic opportunities; they rarely came to India. During the 1971 liberation war, India foolishly opened its doors to MILLIONS of Muslims from East Pakistan, whereas we should not have allowed EVEN ONE of them to enter India. We should have left them to sort out their problems with West Pakistani Muslims on their own steam.
- Since then, there has been a continuous flow of illegal Muslim migrants from Bangladesh who have been helped by Indian politicians to acquire citizenship documents , the religious Demography of India has been irrevocably changed in favour of Islamists. Let us be clear, there is nothing bengali about Muslims living in Bangladesh. Muslims living in East Bengal have destroyed Bengali culture, which was quintessentially Hindu.
- They may speak Urduized Bengali but Islam does not allow the converts to retain, leave alone cherish, even small vestiges of their ancestral faith traditions, value system or cultural heritage. They are expected to hate their entire past heritage in order to be Good Muslims! “East Pakistanis” is the right name for those we mistakenly call Bangladeshis.
- Their barbaric killings of Bengali Hindus, routine gang rapes, abductions of Hindu women, and forcible conversions through brutal means, is proof enough that Muslims inhabiting East Bengal do not share any bond with real Bengalis. They hate those who have stuck to their Hindu Bengali heritage, even while living amidst genocidal jihadees. They have fully internalized the genocidal mindset and values worthy of all Good Muslims!
- Most Muslims living in East Bengal see themselves as part of the global Ummah and therefore, have evolved as a different species that thrive on blood, gore, rape, loot, plunder– values that define all Good Muslims. In short, Pakistan gained by the creation of Bangladesh because it successfully propped up the most virulent network of Mullahs and Maulvis who brought Bangladesh ideologically closer to Pakistan. BUT India harmed its geo-political security further by having TWO ENEMY countries as its immediate neighbours, instead of one. Adopting a humanitarian approach towards Muslims of East Pakistan has proved to be a suicidal move for India.
- India’s foreign policy towards its jihadi neighbours should keep the above stated facts in mind. We should treat both Pakistan and Bangladesh as perverse societies inhabited by a differently evolved species whose stated agenda is to wipe out all Kafirs from the earth, if they refuse to convert. That is the proven track record of mazhabeez, wherever they set foot in the last 1300 years.
- They can never be good neighbors because that goes against the mandate of their mazhab. They have openly declared that by 2047, they will complete Mission Ghazwa E Hind–that is total Islamization of whatever remains of India. That means, Hindus either convert or be decimated.
- Their genocidal violence in Bangladesh is part of Ghazwa e Hind. They are ready for a full scale civil war or Jinnah Style Direct Action to cleanse us out.
Are we ready to fight for our dignified survival as Hindus, or willing to convert or become Jazia paying Dhimmis?